【OPEN TECH Symposium
平成29年度 OPEN TECH シンポジウム 3月28日 講演会のご案内】

【OPEN TECH Symposium
   Symposium on Creation of New Generation Power Electronics and Systemsのご案内】


■ 開催日時:平成30年3月28日(水)10:00~16:30
■ 開催場所:京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館
■ 講  演:
?10:00-10:20 Keynote address
        “Research Activities of KIT Green Innovation Center”
        Vice-president, Prof. Masahiro Yoshimoto, Kyoto Institute of Technology
?10:20-11:10 “Power Semiconductor Devices & Technologies for New Generation Power Electronics”
        Prof. Shankar Ekkanath Madathil, The University of Scheffield
?11:10-12:00 “Power Electronics Development in Europe – The Role of ECPE -”
        ECPE President Prof. Dr. Leo Lorenz, ECPE (European Center for Power Electronics)
?13:30-14:20 “Academic-Industrial Alliance in Stanford University: Evaluation of Stanford Model and
        Practice for Academia-Industry Collaboration”
        Prof. Yoshio Nishi, Stanford University
?14:20-14:50 “GaN Power Transistors and Their Application Benefits”
        Dr.Kenichiro Tanaka, Panasonic Co.
?14:50-15:20 “A Disaster-resistant Cooperative Autonomously Distributed Power Network consisting
        of 3-port Power Router”
        Prof. Yuichi Kado, Kyoto Institute of Technology
?15:20-15:30 Closing remarks
        President of NPERC-J, Dr. Hiromichi Ohashi
?15:30-16:30 Lab tour

※ 講演は英語で行います。

■ 連絡先
京都工芸繊維大学 門 勇一?教授
Prof. Yuichi Kado (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
E-mail: kado[at]kit.ac.jp (※[at]を@に変換してください)
(*) NPERC-J (New-generation Power Electronics and System Research Consortium Japan)
